Grillmaster's Box by Meat N’ Bone

Whole Goose | Domestic Embden Geese

Whole Goose | Domestic Embden Geese

Regular price $299.99 USD
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If you are looking for a more flavorful option for Turkey look no further. We have secured a very limited supply of goose.

These birds are 100% all naturally raised Embden Geese raised in New York State. They “meat” all of our exacting standards. 

* Humanely raised in a free-range environment

* White Embden breed goose

* No antibiotics, no hormones, ever

 The Geeze will frozen so that it can have a good shelf life.  

What makes Goose Great?

Goose are the pigs of the sky. Unlike turkey, they have plenty of fat, and fat is flavor. Geeze is closer to red meat than it is to turkey, it's not too far off from duck.

All the fat in the geese makes It a bit trickier to cook, but that also makes it more fun.


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